On Monday, June 12th from 2:00 to 4:00 South Dakota Principals Conference participants will be able to join a presentation from KSB School Law. KSB has asked that you take this opportunity to submit any questions before the conference. Please fill out the following form to submit questions you would be interested in the team focusing on for their presentation: Click here You can also bring questions to ask noting that this is generalized advice.
The conference will be held on June 12-14, 2023, at The Lodge at Deadwood https://www.deadwoodlodge.com/
Reservations can be made by calling the front desk at 1-877-393-5634 and ask fomustD School Administrators/Principal’s Conference block. Room reservations need to be made by May 12th, when the block will be released.
Please click here to register for the 2023 South Dakota Principals Conference. You will receive an email immediately after you submit your registration, this email serves as your individual invoice. You are responsible for adding up your registration total and submitting the email/invoice to your business manager. Please have your business manager write checks to the appropriate association and not send one check for all administrators in the district, we do not take online or credit/debit card payments. You can mail the check or bring it with you to the conference.
Conference Fees:
Non-Member $225.00
Retired/Aspiring Principals & Curriculum Directors $75.00
Additional Banquet Ticket $20.00
The new principal luncheon will be held on June 12 from 11:30-1:00. If you are a new principal, even if you are in your 1st or 2nd year, we encourage you to participate in the New Principals Luncheon. Participation in the luncheon will allow you to ask questions and begin a professional relationship with veteran principals in our organizations. To register for the new principal luncheon please click herehttps://forms.gle/DWroVxo3S324Pu278
General Conference Information
General membership meetings will take place at 3:15 on Tuesday
General attire information
Wear your school gear all day on Tuesday (this includes the banquet for ESP and SSP)
Wear alma mater gear on Wednesday
The banquet on Tuesday will be a combined event (SDAESP and SDASSP)
The hospitality suite will be available at various times (sponsored by Presence Learning)